The Nadaburg Education Foundation

32919 Center Street, Wittmann, Arizona 85361

The Nadaburg Education Foundation

Mail In Registration
The 10th Nadaburg Open 2025

32919 Center Street

Wittmann, AZ  85361

For help:
phone: 602.625.6630

Please complete the form below to register to play golf in the 10th Annual Nadaburg Open, at the Stardust Golf Course on Saturday, April 11th, 2025. The fee includes, green fee, cart, driving range balls and lunch. The cost for a foursome is to be posted soon, otherwise $( ) for one player.  All proceeds go to enriching the educational program of the Nadaburg Unified School district and are tax deductible.

Your First Name: ____________________________  Your Last Name: ____________________________________

Company Name: ________________________________________________________________________

Address: ______________________________________________________________________________ 

Phone Number: ___________________________

City: ________________________  State: _______  Zip: ____________________________  

Who are you paying for? List all names that are playing golf below.

Golfer Names: _________________________________________________

$276.00 per foursome, or $75.00 each for one player.

What are the names of the players in your foursome: _________________________________________________

Does your foursome need one golf cart? ________ or two golf carts?________

Payment Information: Credit Cart or check.

Name on the card: ____________________________________________

CC# ____________________________________________________________________________

Expiration Date:  ______________________________   Security Code on back: ____________________


Enclose a personal or business check. On the memo line, please put Nadaburg Open.

Mail this form to: 
The Nadaburg Education Foundation
​32919 Center Street

Wittmann, AZ   85361